Digital Marketing

Contests on Social Media: Engaging and Growing Your Audience

Running contests on social media is a powerful way to engage and grow your audience. These contests can boost follower count, convert leads, amplify brand awareness, and increase loyalty. There are two types of social media contests: giveaways and contests. Giveaways are random selection-based contests where participants complete tasks for a chance to win a prize, while contests involve submitting the best version of a task for a chance to win based on performance.

Social media contests have the ability to increase follower count, convert leads, amplify brand awareness, and increase brand loyalty. To run a successful contest, you need to:

  • Set clear goals
  • Determine your budget and prizes
  • Know your audience and choose the right platform
  • Plan and execute the contest
  • Measure the results

There are various contest ideas to consider, such as:

  • Brand partnership bundles
  • Travel giveaways
  • Mystery box prizes
  • Rewarding loyal customers
  • Celebrating follower milestones
  • Encouraging friends to participate
  • Giving back through donations

Additionally, video contests, photo contests, trivia contests, tag-a-friend contests, recurring draw contests, sign-up contests, direct message contests, collaborative contests, hashtag contests, branded lens contests, and photo caption contests are popular options to engage your audience and achieve your goals.

When planning a social media contest, it is crucial to:

  • Set specific goals and objectives
  • Choose the appropriate platform
  • Identify your target audience
  • Create a budget and timeline
  • Design the contest theme
  • Establish clear rules and guidelines
  • Choose an enticing prize
  • Create engaging visuals and content

By following these steps and considering the various contest ideas, you can successfully run a social media contest that engages and grows your audience.

Types of Social Media Contests

Running contests on social media is a powerful way to engage and grow your audience. There are two types of social media contests: giveaways and contests. Giveaways are random selection-based contests where participants complete tasks for a chance to win a prize. On the other hand, contests involve submitting the best version of a task for a chance to win based on performance.

Social media contests have the ability to increase follower count, convert leads, amplify brand awareness, and increase brand loyalty. They provide an opportunity for your audience to interact with your brand in a fun and exciting way.


  • Participants complete tasks such as liking, sharing, or commenting on a post to enter the contest.
  • A winner is selected randomly, giving everyone an equal chance of winning.
  • Giveaways are great for boosting engagement and increasing the number of followers.
  • They are easy to participate in and require minimal effort from your audience.


  • Participants showcase their skills or creativity by submitting their entries.
  • The winner is selected based on the quality or performance of their entry.
  • Contests are ideal for increasing brand awareness, as they encourage participants to promote their entry to their network.
  • They allow you to showcase your audience’s talent and creativity, creating a sense of community and loyalty.

By understanding the difference between giveaways and contests, you can choose the type that aligns with your goals and objectives. Whether you want to increase engagement, amplify brand awareness, or foster loyalty, social media contests are a valuable tool to accomplish these goals.

Strategies for Running a Successful Contest

To run a successful contest, you need to set clear goals, determine your budget and prizes, know your audience, choose the right platform, plan and execute the contest, and measure the results.

Here are the key strategies to keep in mind:

  1. Set Clear Goals: Clearly define what you want to achieve with your contest. Whether it’s increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, or generating leads, having specific goals will help you stay focused throughout the process.
  2. Determine Your Budget and Prizes: Allocating a budget for your contest is essential. Decide how much you can invest in prizes and promotional efforts. Remember to offer prizes that align with your target audience’s interests to maximize participation.
  3. Know Your Audience and Choose the Right Platform: Understand your target audience’s demographics, preferences, and behavior. This knowledge will help you select the right social media platforms where your audience is most active and receptive to your contest.
  4. Planning and Execution:

  5. Plan and Execute the Contest: Once you have set goals, budgeted, and identified your platform, it’s time to plan your contest. Outline the contest timeline, promotional strategies, content requirements, rules, and guidelines. Ensure your contest is exciting, easy to participate in, and aligned with your brand’s values.
  6. Measure the Results: After the contest ends, measure the results against your goals. Analyze key metrics such as the number of participants, engagement levels, website traffic, lead conversions, and social media followers gained. Use these insights to refine your future contest strategies.

By following these strategies, you can create and execute a successful social media contest that engages your audience, increases brand awareness, and helps you achieve your business goals.

Various Contest Ideas

There are various contest ideas to consider when planning a social media contest. These ideas can help you engage your audience and achieve your goals. Some popular contest ideas include:

  • Brand Partnership Bundles
  • Travel Giveaways
  • Mystery Box Prizes
  • Rewarding Loyal Customers
  • Celebrating Follower Milestones
  • Encouraging Friends to Participate
  • Giving Back through Donations

These contest ideas can help you create excitement and buzz around your brand. Brand partnership bundles allow you to collaborate with other businesses and offer a unique prize package to your audience. Travel giveaways give participants a chance to win exciting trips and experiences. Mystery box prizes create curiosity and anticipation as participants eagerly await their surprise. Rewarding loyal customers shows appreciation and strengthens their connection with your brand. Celebrating follower milestones not only acknowledges your audience’s support but also encourages them to continue engaging with your content. Encouraging friends to participate expands your reach and brings new potential customers into your community. Lastly, giving back through donations allows you to make a positive impact and attract socially conscious individuals.

Along with these contest ideas, there are various contest formats you can choose from to make your social media contest more interactive:

  • Video Contests
  • Photo Contests
  • Trivia Contests
  • Tag-a-Friend Contests
  • Recurring Draw Contests
  • Sign-up Contests
  • Direct Message Contests
  • Collaborative Contests
  • Hashtag Contests
  • Branded Lens Contests
  • Photo Caption Contests

These contest formats offer different ways for your audience to participate and engage with your brand. Video contests allow participants to showcase their creativity, while photo contests invite them to capture and share their best moments. Trivia contests challenge their knowledge and provide entertainment. Tag-a-friend contests encourage participants to involve their friends and expand your audience. Recurring draw contests create anticipation with multiple chances to win. Sign-up contests help you gather valuable leads and grow your email list. Direct message contests enable personalized communication and establish a direct connection. Collaborative contests foster a sense of community and encourage teamwork. Hashtag contests generate user-generated content and increase brand visibility. Branded lens contests offer a fun and interactive way for participants to engage with your brand. Lastly, photo caption contests inspire creativity and humor.

By considering these contest ideas and utilizing engaging contest formats, you can run a successful social media contest that captivates your audience and helps you achieve your goals.

Planning a Social Media Contest

When planning a social media contest, it is crucial to follow a step-by-step approach to ensure its success. The key factors to consider include:

  • Setting specific goals and objectives: Clearly define what you want to achieve with your contest. Is it to increase brand awareness, generate leads, or engage your existing audience? By setting specific goals and objectives, you can tailor your contest accordingly.
  • Choosing the appropriate platform: Research and identify which social media platform aligns best with your target audience. Consider factors such as demographics and user behavior to ensure maximum reach and engagement.
  • Identifying your target audience: Understand who your contest is intended for. Analyze your target audience’s preferences, interests, and behaviors to create a contest that will resonate with them.
  • Creating a budget and timeline: Determine how much you are willing to invest in your contest and set a realistic timeline for planning, execution, and evaluation.
  • Designing the contest theme: Create a unique and compelling concept that aligns with your brand and resonates with your target audience. This will capture their attention and encourage participation.
  • Establishing clear rules and guidelines: Be transparent about the contest rules, eligibility criteria, and any necessary legal requirements. This will create trust and ensure fair participation.
  • Choosing an enticing prize: Select a prize that is relevant, valuable, and desirable to your target audience. It should motivate them to participate and share the contest with others.
  • Creating engaging visuals and content: Invest time and effort into creating visually appealing graphics, videos, and written content that grabs attention and generates excitement about your contest.

By considering these factors and implementing them effectively, you can plan and execute a social media contest that not only engages your audience but also helps you achieve your goals.

Engaging Contest Formats

Looking to engage your audience and achieve your goals through social media contests? Well, you’re in luck because there are various contest formats that are proven to be popular and effective. Here are some exciting contest formats to consider:

  • Video Contests: Encourage participants to create and submit videos related to your brand or a specific theme. This format generates visually appealing and shareable content, while also allowing participants to showcase their creativity.
  • Photo Contests: Invite participants to share their best photos related to your brand or a specific theme. This format encourages user-generated content and can lead to increased brand awareness through the sharing of visually compelling images.
  • Trivia Contests: Test your audience’s knowledge with fun and interactive trivia contests. This format not only engages your audience but also helps to increase brand loyalty by rewarding participants who have a good understanding of your brand.
  • Tag-a-Friend Contests: Encourage participants to tag their friends in the comments section of your contest post. This format helps to expand the reach of your contest and increase engagement by encouraging participants to invite their friends to participate.
  • Recurring Draw Contests: Run regular draws where participants have a chance to win prizes. This format creates anticipation and encourages ongoing engagement as participants continue to enter the draws.

Additional Engaging Contest Formats:

  • Sign-Up Contests: Encourage participants to sign up for your newsletter or join your mailing list for a chance to win a prize.
  • Direct Message Contests: Ask participants to send you a direct message to enter the contest. This format allows you to have one-on-one interactions with participants, fostering a deeper connection.
  • Collaborative Contests: Partner with another brand or influencer to co-host a contest. This format allows you to tap into a new audience and increase brand exposure.
  • Hashtag Contests: Encourage participants to create and share content using a specific hashtag. This format creates a sense of community and makes it easy to track entries.
  • Branded Lens Contests: Create a branded AR lens or filter and ask participants to use it in their social media posts. This format allows you to enhance brand visibility and encourage user-generated content.
  • Photo Caption Contests: Share a photo and ask participants to come up with a creative caption. This format sparks creativity and generates engagement through participants’ witty responses.

By choosing the right contest format that aligns with your goals and target audience, you can effectively engage your audience and achieve success with your social media contests.

Conclusion: Running a Successful Social Media Contest

Running contests on social media is a powerful way to engage and grow your audience. These contests can boost follower count, convert leads, amplify brand awareness, and increase loyalty. By following these steps and considering the various contest ideas, you can successfully run a social media contest that engages and grows your audience.

There are two types of social media contests: giveaways and contests. Giveaways are random selection-based contests where participants complete tasks for a chance to win a prize, while contests involve submitting the best version of a task for a chance to win based on performance. Social media contests have the ability to increase follower count, convert leads, amplify brand awareness, and increase brand loyalty.

To run a successful contest, you need to set clear goals, determine your budget and prizes, know your audience and choose the right platform, plan and execute the contest, and measure the results. There are various contest ideas to consider, such as brand partnership bundles, travel giveaways, mystery box prizes, rewarding loyal customers, celebrating follower milestones, encouraging friends to participate, and giving back through donations. Video contests, photo contests, trivia contests, tag-a-friend contests, recurring draw contests, sign-up contests, direct message contests, collaborative contests, hashtag contests, branded lens contests, and photo caption contests are popular options to engage your audience and achieve your goals.

When planning a social media contest, it is crucial to set specific goals and objectives, choose the appropriate platform, identify your target audience, create a budget and timeline, design the contest theme, establish clear rules and guidelines, choose an enticing prize, and create engaging visuals and content.